Bass tablature for "Cant Get Enough" by "Bad Company"

Artist: Bad Company
Piece: Cant Get Enough
Instrument: Bass
Submitter: unknown
Tab provided by tTabs


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#-- File created with Instab - --#

Author/Artist: Bad Company
Title: Can't Get Enough
Album: Bad Company 1974
Transcribed by: Dwayne Kielly

Pretty straight forward Song with a difficult sound to it.


                                                             Well I take...

1st verse

Repeat twice:

 1st and 2nd pre-choruses   come on, come on... 



 1st and 2nd chorus      I can't get enough...                                






 2nd verse         late, and I want...                                   




 Guitar Solo:                                                                 






  3rd chorus      I can't get enough...                                       




4th chorus is a bit different then the other 3

        I can't get enough of your...                                       

































I'm pretty sure this is right, but if there are any mistakes let me know.
Tabbed by: Dwayne Kielly (
web site:


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